Lesson Plan for First Visit

September 18, 2018
Elise Joyner
Alyssa Adair’s 1st Grade Class
Blackridge Elementary School

Name of Game: Name Fame
Grade: 1st Grade
Purpose of the game: To learn names, something about the person, and to get the students focused and ready for the day’s activities
Everyone sits in a circle
They start clapping a pattern by clapping their thighs, then their hand, then thighs, etc. to a steady beat.
While clapping to the beat, the group repeats “Name game, name game, what’s your name and what’s your fame?”
The group stops clapping after saying the phrase once.
The first person in the group then states their name to the class and something that they are “famous” or known for.
The group then starts clapping and repeating the phrase.
The next person in the circle then states the same facts about them.
This pattern continues until everyone in the circle has had a chance to say their name and fact.
Possible time: 10 minutes

Name of Game: Mirror
Age/grade or developmental level: Any age, K-6
Suggested number of participants: An even number of students
Preparation, if needed: Have cues ready – when to tell them to switch emotions, what body parts to use, etc.
Purpose of the game: To help students explore how to show emotions using your entire body, to improve concentration and focus.
Teacher guides the activity
Tell students to find a partner
Then one student will act as the leader and start moving in any way they would like and their partner will try to mirror them perfectly
For example: They can change facial expressions and move every part of their body: hands, elbows, neck, legs and hips to name a few
Then you have them switch, and the other partner begins to lead the action
Have them switch back and forth and help them focus on new things each time such as speed (fast or slow), size of movements (small or large), etc.
Tell students they will need to work together to fool the teacher into not being able to tell who starts first
Possible time: 5 minutes

Name of the Game: Numbered Levels
Grade: 1st Grade
Purpose of the game: Get wiggles out, allows students to be comfortable creating levels with their bodies and moving around for future drama activities and lessons
Each number is a level (1 on the ground to 5 is a jump or reach, the other numbers are in between)
Each level is where the individual student is comfortable
Start by establishing the levels and going back and forth 1-5 to practice what each level is
One person calls out numbers
Everyone goes to the called level and repeats the number
Have different students choose a number and repeat the process
Possible time: 7 minutes


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