Sixth Visit! (November 13, 2018)

Today's class focused on another aspect of our 5-Finger Retell: setting. We did an activity to explore how a story can have multiple settings and what words can be used to describe each setting.

We started by reading We're Going on a Bear Hunt! by Michael Rosen. As we went through the book, I told the students to focus on the settings listed in the story. After we went through the story once, I told the students that we were going on a bear hunt ourselves for a bear that I had hidden in the classroom. I had videos and pictures of each of the settings listed in the book. As we went on our hunt, I recounted the story while we moved around the classroom to discover more about each setting. We watched a video that gave visual and audio context to each location. As we moved from setting to setting, we used movement to act out how we would travel in each place. At each setting, I asked the students to describe the setting using adjectives. They did this well and were able to use many different adjectives in their descriptions.

I am constantly surprised by the capabilities of the students. They are always right there with me and are able to follow along with the book and story better than I can! They are very responsive to the drama techniques that we incorporate into each lesson.


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