Lesson Plan for Sixth Visit

November 13, 2018
Elise Joyner
Alyssa Adair’s 1st Grade Class
Blackridge Elementary School

Name of activity: 5-Finger Retell: Setting Study
Grade: 1st Grade
Purpose of the game: Reinforce 5-finger retell and parts of speech. Study specifically the importance of settings in a story.
Common Core Standard
      Drama: Standard 1.T.CR.5: Create character through imagination, physical movement, gesture, sound and/or speech and facial expression.
      ELA: Speaking and Listening Standard 4: Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.
      ELA: Reading: Literature Standard 3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details

      We’re Going on a Bear Hunt! By Michael Rosen
      Pictures and videos of the different locations found in the book
      Long, wavy grass
      Thick, oozy mud
      A big, dark forest
      Swirling, whirling snowstorm
      Narrow, gloomy cave
      House- front door, door, stairs, bedroom
      Teddy bear
Preparation :
      Pull up the pictures and videos of the different settings on a board or screen in the classroom where it can be seen from anywhere
      Leave a teddy bear somewhere in the classroom where you will find it
      Review 5 finger retell. With each finger, review whether it is associated with a noun, verb, or adjective.
      Tell students to focus on the setting and how to describe them while reading the book.
      Read We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!
      Tell students that we are going on a bear hunt around the classroom. There are different places that we have to travel to in order to find the bear.
      Teacher will tell the story as they act it out with the students by going on a bear hunt and using the actions as dictated in the book.
      Starting with the first setting, teacher will ask the students to use the video and picture projected to describe the first setting and discover what makes up a setting.
      Teacher then continues to tell the story as the class travels to another spot in the classroom. The river picture and video is displayed. Class has a discussion about that setting.
      When going from spot to spot in classroom, use different movements as directed in the book
      Model movements
      Grass- “swishy, swashy”- pat legs as we walk
      River- “splash, splosh”- arms up and down as we walk
      Mud- “squelch, squerch”- march
      Forest- “stumble trip”- side to side
      Snowstorm- “Hoooo wooo”- move arms to acting like whacking away snow
      Cave- “tiptoe”- tiptoe
      Teacher changes picture and video slides as class goes from setting to setting while teacher continues story. We discuss the settings of each picture.
      The same procedures continue with the rest of the settings.
      Class will find the teddy bear in the classroom to end the bear hunt. The hunt ends back at the carpet with the bear.
Assessment: During the activity, the teacher will check if students understand the concept of a setting by way of the discussions at each setting. Teacher will also check to see if students can recall 5-finger retell with little prompting.
Possible time: 20-30 minutes


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